If Midas had an island…

We’ve just returned from two days on Sado Island in Niigata prefecture. It started when we panned for gold and dredged up what you see above. And from then on, there seemed to be one colour we couldn’t get away from… [* Midas(ミダース)とは・・・ギリシャ神話に出てくる王の一人で、触るもの全てを黄金に変える力を持っていた事で知られる。] 新潟県での2日間は佐渡島で過ごさせてもらった。旅は砂金すくいで幕を開け、それからの2日間、見るものすべてが黄金に輝いているかのような滞在となった。(ちなみに一番最初の写真が砂金すくいの収穫品である) Our time in Niigata was made possible by: The good people ...
On and on and onsen

There is some fatal flaw in the British psyche that often leaves us paralysed with embarrassment. I think a lot of it come from some out-dated state of mind about things being “proper”. Frequently we seem to find ourselves scandalised and muttering into our chests. Hugh Grant does it a lot on camera. We are ...